Welcome to Realm of the White Wolf!!!!!

In this lifetime the wolf is my spiritguide and although many websites have information
about the wolf. I will not repeat what they have said. Instead I will give you some excerps from
several book that I have in my arsenal of books about wolves.

Wolves by Candace Savage

The Ninemile Wolves by Rick Bass

The Return of the Wolf by Steve Grooms

The Wolf Almanac by Robert H. Busch

Wolf Hatred as Self Hatred
Even after contemplating the many factors causing humans to fear and resent wolves,
it's difficult to account for the virulence of wolf hatred. Ultimately, it seems that wolves
have suffered because they remind us too much of ourselves. The writer Barry Lopex has
worked out this theme in convincing detail..Through the centuries, Lopez argues, we
have projected onto the wolf the qualities we most despise and fear in ourselves. Wolves
have no simply been misperceived, but demonized and scapegoated in a paroxysm of self-contempt.
Repeated, the wolf we have persecuted is not the actual wolf that hunts and howls in lonely places,
but a conceived wolf we have invented somewhere in the spooky nether regions of our own psyches.

Wolf Society

Wolf experts flinch when they hear someone say, "Wolves always....." Or "Wolves never....."
While wolves are orderly creatures that behave according to certain basis principles, they're also
flexible and difficult to predict. Wolves are social animals. Most of a wolf's personality and behavior
is learned, not genetically fixed as "instinct". This makes wolves less stereotyped in their behavior
than many animals. It also makes them fascinating.

The Wolf Personality

Generalizing about the "Wolf personality" is tricky for several reasons. It's difficult to say which
personality characteristics are inherent and which are acquired through learning. Wolves have
been described as extremely "shy" and fearful of humans. But some of that shyness might
be a response of centuries of persecution. Wolves appear to be losing some of their fear
of humans in regions where they have enjoyed protection under the Endangered Species Act.
Most wolves seeing a human still swap ends and vanish. Yet it is becoming more common
for a wolf confronting a human to gaze at the person in thoughtful curiosity.

Second, social animals like wolves don't all have the same personality. That only makes sense.
After all, dogs, even from the same litter, exhibit wonderfully diverse personalities. Innuit
and other native groups have occasionally been amused to discover that visiting biologist thought
all wolves were alike. They aren't.

Third, a wolf's personality changes as the wolf matures and assumes different roles within the pack.
Pack leaders are decisive, outgoing and self-confident. Pack underlings are obsequious and
loyal to the leader. Some low-ranking adults are playful and goofy, blending aspects of the adult
personality with puppy qualities. but when a low-ranking wolf assumes alpha status, it acquires
some version of the classic alpha personality. With all those qualifications, what can we say
about the wolf personality? the key to understanding wolves is understanding
the social dynamics of the pack. For the pack to adhere and function, it's members
must live cooperatively. A wolf pack is held together by bonds of affections. Adolph Murie
wrote "The strongest impression remaining with me after watching wolves on numerous
occasions was their friendliness." Reunions between pack members are celebrated with
a display of joy that has been called the "jubilation of wolves." Any who has owned a dog
can understand the bonds of loyalty that link pack members.

The author concludes: "While my work on this book has convinced me that it is dangerous
to reduce wolves to symbols. I believe that restoration of wolves will be one of the major
symbolic events in human history. As a species, humans have been violent, greedy
and shortsighted. Humans in general-and Americans in particular-have abused wolves. We
owe it to the wolf to try one more time to work out a relationship that protects legitimate
human interests while allowing living space for wolves. Further, I would argue, we owe it to
ourselves to try again to manage wolves wisely. When Americans learn to tolerate and
respect wolves, we will have exorcised something singularly ugly in our national character.
The true measure of the morality of a political society is how justly it treats its least powerful
and popular citizens. In much the same sense the ecological decency of a society can be
measured by how it treats the most troublesome and notorious animal species. when our
society proves it has learned to live with wolves, we can begin to like ourselves a little
better. It will then be time to ponder how we can improve our relationship with several
hundred other species, but not before pausing to celebrate
the extraordinary progress represented by the return of the Wolf."

There are many institutions that are working very hard at preserving the wolf and
returning them to the wild. There are also havens for abused and abandoned wolves who
were at one time pets. Please check them out and help them make the world safe for the wolves.
You will find these links on my other wolf pages as you browse through them, enjoy your journey.

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***Wolf Pages***

Motomo Wolf Info Two Wolves:A Love Story
Little Known Facts ******** Myths and Legends

Realm of the White Wolf is Owned by Spirit©1994
Webset created by Renee Graphics ©1999
Created exclusively for ROTWW
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