to Realm of the White Wolf!!!!!
we walk through life most
are unaware of what we cannot
but mind you they see you
and pay attention to all
you do.
Dare you to follow them
into their world???
Step carefully, if you dare,
but follow and learn their
Maybe then you will come
to understand them, instead
of being afraid.
So take a look at yourself
in the water,
may you see what you like,
but you will still want
to find the truth of your
Then step lively and keep
up for we move swiftly and
we don't want to lose you
in the wilderness. We might
not find you again!!!
I will be changing the look of my site for it is called "The Realm of the White Wolf"
and so it will
become, for that is what is out there for all of us to deal with
we must live in this world for it is real, so take a look at what you have around you
and find out how precious it is
to you and are you willing to save it
If so then help us save this world for in doing so we save ourselves

**Realm of the White Wolf Links**

of the White Wolf is Owned
by Spirit©1994
Webset created by Spirit©2010
Created exclusively for
No other use is authorized.